“Looking for a Future: Encounters in Palestine and Israel.” Forthcoming in IPTN Journal, 2025. 

Alzie’s: Love and sorrow in a lifelong friendship, 2022

An Invisible Woman: The case of the missing translator, 2022

The Famous Murderer: An encounter with AIDS, 2022

 Personal Stories in Public Spaces: Essays on Playback Theatre by Its Founders. By Jonathan Fox and Jo Salas. Tusitala Publishing, 2021

“Enacting Testimony: Trauma Stories in Playback Theatre.’ In Trauma in the Creative and Embodied Therapies: When Words Are Not Enough, eds Chesner and Lykou, Routledge UK, 2020.

Imagining Helen: The Life of Translator Helen Tracy Lowe-Porter.  2020

This is a grief that will not heal.  June 2019

Stories by Firelight. Playback Theatre in the Jordan Valley, 2013.

“Stories in the Moment: Playback Theatre for Building Community and Justice.” In Acting Together: Performance and the Creative Transformation of Conflict, Vol 2, Eds Varea, Cohen, and Walker. New Village Press, 2011.

“Immigrant Stories in the Hudson Valley.” In Telling Stories to Change the World, Eds Solinger, Fox, and Irani. Routledge, 2008.

DMS front cover onlyDo My Story, Sing My Song: Music Therapy and Playback Theatre with Troubled Children. Tusitala Publishing, 2007.

Half of My Heart/La Mitad de Mi Corazón: True Stories Told By Immigrants. (Editor.) Tusitala Publishing, 2007.

Using Theater to Address Bullying.” Educational Leadership, September 2005

“Playback Theatre: A Frame for Healing.” In Current Approaches in Drama Therapy. 2nd Edition. Emunah and Johnson, Eds. Charles C Thomas, 2010.

What is “Good” Playback Theatre?” In Gathering Voices: Essays on Playback Theatre, Fox and Dauber, Eds. Tusitala,1999.

“Playback Theatre: Children Find Their Stories.” In Handbook for Treatment of Attachment-Trauma Problems in Children. Beverly James, Lexington Books, 1994.

Improvising Real Life: Personal Story in Playback Theatre. Kendall/Hunt, 1993. 20th Anniversary Edition,  Tusitala Publishing, 2013, with foreword by Roberto Gutierrez Varea and afterword by the author. irl_cover_borderTranslations in Japanese, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Russian, Hebrew, Korean, and Nepali. 

“Music in Playback Theatre.” The Arts in Psy­chothera­py, Winter 1992.

“Like Singing with a Bird: Improvisational Music Therapy with a Blind 4-Year-Old.” (Co-author David Gonzalez). In Case Studies in Music Therapy, Kenneth E. Brus­cia, Ed.Barcelona Publishers, 1991.

“Aesthetic Experience in Music Therapy.” Mu­sic Ther­apy, 1990.

“Culture and Community: Playback Theater.” The Drama Re­view, MIT Press, Summer 1983.